Individual Insurance
Everyone needs health insurance. Why? Humans are vulnerable to illnesses, injuries, and accidents. It’s just a part of our everyday life. At Burchfield Insurance Group, we have the answers regarding an individual health plan customized to meet your needs. Individual health insurance could be the right choice if you are self-employed, in between jobs, no longer covered under your parents’ health plan, or other reasons.
Individual health insurance can be costly, causing some to believe they can just go without, covering the cost of the occasional doctor’s visit when its needed rather than paying monthly premiums and copays. Problems arise in this scenario, when you face a serious illness, are injured in an accident, or discover a chronic issue. In any of these circumstances, expenses can get out of control, quickly, making insurance coverage essential for everyone.
For those under the age of 65, with no employer provided insurance plan, the Affordable Care Act requires coverage for nearly everyone and going without can mean penalties. Burchfield Insurance can help you find the plan that is right for you, and even help you qualify for lower costs. If your employee offers coverage that fails to meet specific federal guidelines, you may be able to purchase individual insurance as a less expensive alternative.
It’s important to know that individual coverage isn’t only for singles, as you can obtain a plan which covers you and your family, with added benefits. Our team at Burchfield are experts in helping individuals, like you, find the ideal plan for you and your family, with the coverage you need that fits your budget. We offer individual medical insurance plans, life insurance coverage, and dental and vision insurance to meet the needs of you and your family. We have access to all the insurance carriers in the market and can customize your individual health plan perfectly.